
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

State of affairs

As I sit here preparing to go to Mass for All Saints Day and All Souls Day on Wednesday, I am thinking of those in my family who have passed this year and those who have been gone for years now.  This year I have lost 2 Aunts, both older and what we  think of as someones time.  They both lived full lives, both leaving behind children, grandchildren, siblings and more.  Their lives have touched many, they left us with funny memories and smiles of who they were.  I also lost a cousin of only 19 years.  He was actually my cousins youngest child.  He too touched so many but as we laid him to rest there was no laughter of good times, just tears and questions of why things happen when they do.  I lost another cousin at the young age of  49.  He left behind both parents, siblings and a wife and 3 children.  His youngest child is my middle ones age.  I think about these members of my family and the stories we have of them.  I can't help to wonder of my own life and the memories being made, the lessons learned and still being learned.  I of course want to be with my God one day but pray I get a long life full of plenty of time with my children, husband , family and such.  I think about the Saints before us and the hardships they endured.  Could I have endured the things they did and keep my faith.  I suppose today is a day for prayer for our loved ones who are gone and a day for us to take inventory of our own souls.  And a time to be thankful for the time we have to make the memories we are making.

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