I'm linking up to get control of the stuff in our house. My plan is for the next 31 days to get 31 bags (at least) of stuff we do not need out of this house, that = 1 bag a day, surly I can handle that. Not sure when it went from I'll save this for later to not being able to find anything in the closets and drawers because it is such a jumbled mess. I'm queen of I'll sit this here and get to it later, sadly later never comes. Then it is a rush of a school morning and a child needs a permission slip signed and I have not a clue where it went. Clearly, someone is breaking into our house and stealing coupons and permission slips and things of that nature, must be what all the cool crooks take these days. I'm done with it all ready, that jar of glitter that has an 1/8 of a tsp left in it, you know the one in the back of my silverware drawer..gone, along with so much else that is not serving us any purpose but stress. What a perfect time to do this. Get on board now and my house might be ready for the holiday which will be here in the blink of an eye.
I'll post a few before and after pictures, not many, I don't want to embarrass my self too much. Who wants to join me on my crazy train, always room for one more.
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